Corporate Banking
Corporate Banking Department of NUB Bank offers a wide range of services and products that are compliant with the provisions and principles of Islamic Sharia and provides a successful alternative to those offered by conventional banking, which will accommodate all business sizes of institutions and companies and meet all the needs and requirements of customers.
Our services target all major economic sectors , commercial and industrial activities in the Libyan market for companies and financial institutions, through a group of competent specialists in the fields of financing the business of companies and institutions related to the following areas:
Services provided to public sector institutions
Banking services provided to governmental, semi-governmental and public sector institutions in the State, covering a variety of sectors.
Serving oil and gas companies
The Bank provides a wide range of Islamic services targeting exploration, extraction and production companies, procurement, contracting and logistics support companies, oil and gas marketing and distribution companies, oil as well as gas refining and trading companies, “multinational companies and institutions” along with providing advice, financial and strategic consultancy that enables them to grow and develop their businesses in the future.
Serving real estate companies and contracting companies
The Bank provides a comprehensive range of banking services for real estate projects and real estate development, as well as the management of engineering contracts in the public and private sectors, in the economy targeting a specific segment of the real estate sector and contractors.
Service of manufacturing and trading companies
Considering that Libya imports more than 90% of its needs from the external market. We had to cover the needs of this large segment of the market with fast and distinctive banking services.
Service to financial institutions
We aim to create a worldwide correspondent banks network that has arrangements with correspondents of many external banks, which are mainly responsible for establishing new relationships as well as marketing the bank’s products and services in the international market.
Support for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
The Bank provides a comprehensive range of banking services to facilitate the work of SME companies to grow, to work hard by providing a trade finance, to support this important segment in the Libyan market.
The Global Cash Management Service will cover corporate, creditor and liquidity through modern channels such as SWIFT system and Banking services system via corporate network.