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Sadad service – NURAN Bank

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Sadad service

SADAD mobile payment system provides an electronic wallet that contains a set of financial services that will facilitate daily financial exchange and payments within a secure digital environment and make available alternative solutions to traditional payment methods such as cash and bank cards.

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How can I obtain this service?
To obtain this service, you must go to Al-Madar Agency (Nuran Bank) accompanied by the required documents.  For further information about the agency’s location, please visit the link.
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Required Documents

  • A copy of the trade license.
  •  A copy of the passport.
  • 2 personal photos.
  • ID national number.
  • Activity stamp.
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Required Documents

  • A copy of the trade license.
  •  A copy of the passport.
  • 2 personal photos.
  • ID national number.
  • Activity stamp.