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Social Media Pioneers – NURAN Bank

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Social Media Pioneers

Collecting your revenue in foreign currency, through your activity, whether you are (a blogger, YouTuber, or platform owner; you provide a service or product online) you can receive the revenue and use it to develop your project through your foreign currency account at Nuran Bank via Visa Classic and Platinum cards 

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How can I subscribe to the service?
To obtain this service, you must have an account with Nuran Bank.
How can I open an account with the bank?
To know the procedures and the required documents to open an electronic account at Nuran Bank, you can visit the this link
Do I already have a local currency account?
You can request the service by filling out the service form and go to one of our following branches: For further information about the locations of our branches, please visit. the link   
NUB computer image

You can obtain this service through the following link