The Charter of Institutional Control of Nuran Bank
Shareholder data
The subscribed capital is 500 million dinars, divided into 5 million shares, the value of each share is 100 dinars, and the paid-up capital is 266 million dinars. Equity between shareholders.
Information about the Board of Directors
Formation of the Board of Directors
Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
The ultimate responsibility for the Bank’s activities and financial safety with its Board of Directors. This responsibility means that the board does not carry out executive and day-to-day management of the bank, but rather sets strategies and policies for the bank and exercises the role of supervising the management and the extent of its commitment to these policies. In this context, The Board is responsible for the performance of the management and any shortcomings associated with it, towards the Central Bank of Libya, the General Assembly (shareholders) and the other concerned parties, affected by the bank’s performance, such as depositors, creditors and employees. The responsibility of the board remains even if some of its powers are delegated to other committees, entities or individuals.
A member of the board of directors is considered a representative of all shareholders, and he/she must do whatever serves the interest of the bank in general and not what achieves his/her personal interests or the interests of the party he/she represents or that voted on his/her appointment to the board of directors.
The board must also discuss its tasks specified in the statute, in its meetings during the year, including evaluating the performance of the board, its committees, senior management, and executive management, through the Remuneration and Appointments Committee, strategic plans along with the other policies and procedures related to all the activities of the bank. As well as those matters relating to discipline and internal control.
How Does the Board of Directors work
A notification letter is to be issued by the chairman of the board or his/her representative appointing each member of the board of directors, based on the decision of the general assembly, or the board of directors in case of secondment, after the approval of the Central Bank of Libya, through which the board clarifies his/her rights, duties and responsibilities.
Board meetings are held periodically and according to the requirements of the Libyan Commercial Activity Law and the bank’s articles of association, at least once every three months, dedicated to discussing and dealing with any decisions related to its supervisory role in running the bank’s business, along with discussing any other issues related to the bank’s activities. The main topics are clarified in the Agenda for each meeting to ensure coverage of all topics. The members who attended the meeting are also registered and disclosed in accordance with the bank’s statute.
According to the statute, the invitation of the meeting must be sent to board of directors, accompanied by the agenda, must be sent at least five days before the date set for the meeting, by a registered letter, or by hand delivery to the member in return for his/ her signature to that effect, or by email. All related reports and other documents, referred to in the agenda, must be attached, in due time, and not less than five days before the meeting in order to enable members to study the topics presented in an adequate manner, and take appropriate decisions regarding of them.
Financial and in-kind benefits for the chairman and members of the board
The financial treatment of the chairman and members of the board of directors is determined by a decision of the bank’s general assembly, based on a proposal from the board, and in accordance with the recommendations of the appointments and remuneration committee, stipulated in the bank’s governance guide, and is granted as of the date of the member’s attendance to the first meetings of the board.
The Secretary to the Board of Directors
Formation of the Board committees, their duties, and responsibilities
Audit and Verification Committee
Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Al- Amari
Mr. Abdulrahman Saad Al- Qahtani
Mr. Saif Al-intsar Gomaa.
Sheikh Khalid bin Hassan Al Thani
Governance Committee
Sheikh / Ali bin Jassim Al Thani
Mr. Muhammad Mustafa Al- Amari
Mrs. Reem Yaqoub Idris
Mr. Hossam Abdel Hamid Al -Zentani
Mr. Nasser Mohammed Raisi
Risk Management Committee
Mr. Hossam Abdel Hamid Al- Zintani
Mr. Muhammad Khalifa Al Jalahma
Mr. / Abdul Rahman Saad Al- Qahtani
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Mr. Nasser Mohammed Raisi
Mr. Saif Al-Intisar Juma
Mr. Muhammad Khalifa Al Jalahma
Mr. Reem Yaqoub Idris
Disclosure and Communication Strategy
The bank follows a clear policy towards communicating information related to its activities and businesses to all of its shareholders and related parties.
It has adopted a communication disclosure policy in line with the requirements of the Basel II Convention. The General Assembly of the Bank holds an annual meeting to be attended by the chairman and members of the Board of Directors, representatives of the concerned bodies, and auditors to review the financial results and to answer any inquiries and questions raised by the shareholders. The board of directors prepares an annual report signed by the chairman, submitted to the General Assembly, and to be attached to the annual report prepared by the bank in compliance with the duty of periodic disclosure. It presents the bank’s corporate governance practices, mainly its corporate governance policies and procedures.
The Bank, also, Announces and provides information on any updates, through the bank’s website – or through any other tools of publication.
As for disclosure to its customers and public, the bank discloses its financial statements and administrative status to all those dealing with it, such as depositors, investors and , the rest of public. These disclosures are available electronically on the bank’s website in the international information network and in printed form in all the offices and halls of the bank designated for receiving customers and the rest of the public as well as the mechanism which’s specified by regulations and rules. /p>
The bank also created an internal website to communicate with employees on administrative matters.